The 8 Most Popular Big Sized large Birds by Birdfeederist

The 8 Most Popular Big Sized large Birds by Birdfeederist

There are different types of big-sized birds all around the world. These birds can have different color, nature, size, and voices. Moreover, many of the immense size birds can fly, and some can’t fly. But, the one thing is sure about the big birds is that you can quickly locate these birds due to their…

Report of America about sudden death of birds by household danger

Report of America about sudden death of birds by household danger

Since December 2014, the USDA and U.S department detected and reported hundreds of birds that are affected by the household danger. These are the departments of the National wildlife health center. These birds include the different types of small and wild birds as well. Mostly the small birds are affected more by the household danger. This…

List of Sharp Hidden Items that are Dangerous for Birds by BirdFeederist

List of Sharp Hidden Items that are Dangerous for Birds by BirdFeederist

There are different types of Sharp household items that can be dangerous for birds in many ways. There can be many dangerous things for your pet and other garden birds. Especially when we talk about the pet birds, the cage is its home, and anything in your home is its environment. So, there can be…