How to make a safe and bird friendly backyard for window birding?

How to make a safe and bird friendly backyard for window birding?

When you are looking for attracting the birds on the window, the backyard condition also plays an important role, mostly when we talk about attracting the birds on the window which is facing the backyard. It would be great, if you made a safe and bird-friendly back yard to attract the maximum number of birds…

What are the Different Types of the Bird feeder Pole Systems?

What are the Different Types of the Bird feeder Pole Systems?

There are different types of bird feeder pole systems which have different designs and material depending upon their price. Many poles system have their own bird feeder system as well, which is a perfect combination to attract the maximum birds and repel the unwanted audiences. These poles can include squirrels’ baffles and raccoon baffles, depending…

What are the important tips to squirrel proof the bird feeder Pole?

What are the important tips to squirrel proof the bird feeder Pole?

When we talk about the squirrel-proof bird feeder poles, there is no such a pole exist, which is entirely a squirrel-proof pole. But we can minimize the squirrel visits on the birdfeeder poles by using different ways. So, if you are also worried about the squirrel visit on your bird feeder pole, you can follow…

The 5 Best Bird Feeders for Finches 2020 Expertly Reviewed by BirdFeederist

The 5 Best Bird Feeders for Finches 2020 Expertly Reviewed by BirdFeederist

Are you looking for the best bird feeders for finches in 2020? Finches are the small-medium size birds which belong to the family “Fringillidae”. Different species of the Finches come in different colors. All these species like to eat the different types of seeds, especially the Nyjer seeds. Due to their small size and different…

What are the main causes of the bird’s die-offs? by BirdFeederist

What are the main causes of the bird’s die-offs? by BirdFeederist

Usually, it is thought that Bird’s die-offs are due to some environmental problems. But each time the Bird’s die-offs don’t need to be related to the ecological issues. There can be many other issues related to Bird’s die-offs problem. There can be many reasons for the dozens of the Bird’s death at once. Usually, people…