How to stop birds from flying into the windows? by Birdfeederist

How to stop birds from flying into the windows? by Birdfeederist

According to the federal scientist’s record, almost 365 to 988 million birds are killed each year in the United States due to building collisions. In the daylight, birds see the reflection of vegetation and other attractive things in the window and crash into the windows. While at night, usually, the migrants crash into the lighted…

What are the key points about Window feeders? BirdFeederist

What are the key points about Window feeders? BirdFeederist

Window feeders are essential devices to enjoy the birds from small distances. You can easily observe the birds without disturbing them. But every rough window is not attractive for the birds. You need to take some special care while attracting the birds using window bird feeders. Because in some cases, windows have also become very…

The 5 Best Window Bird feeders 2022 (that Actually Works) Review by BirdFeederist

The 5 Best Window Bird feeders 2022 (that Actually Works) Review by BirdFeederist

A well-designed window bird feeder enables birds to consume their food without disruptions, while bird enthusiasts get a clear view without any sort of damage to their window. A top-notch window feeder is synthesized with strong, durable, and good-quality transparent material for an unobstructed view. The suction hooks must strongly adhere to the window without…