Why Do Birds Migrate? By Birdfeederist

You may have seen the annual movement of different birds between their breeding homes and their nonbreeding grounds. But do you really know why do birds migrate? In this article, we will tell you everything about the bird’s migration. Almost half of the 650 species of the North American breeding birds are migratory. Not all birds survive this journey, but they still migrate to fulfill their needs as they need to live more challenging lives without their excruciating journeys. They have to migrate a short distance, medium distance, or long distance depending upon their needs. There is no single reason for the bird’s migration. Let’s see the different reasons for the bird’s migration.

why dog birds migrate

Reasons Why Birds Migrate

1. Meal 

MealFood scarcity is one of the main principles behind the bird’s migration. If all the birds stay in the same food-rich areas, food will become scarce, which will make the breeding less successful. Millions of birds migrate in the northern regions each spring as food sources regenerate in these areas, making the breeding more successful. In the fall, birds again return to the tropical regions, where the food sources are replenished in the meantime.

Many birds also migrate small distances to pursue seasonal food sources. Sometimes the change in the food supply is also responsible for the bird’s irruption. It mostly occurs in the years when the food supplies are lower for the northern birds. Even the bird species that don’t migrate usually find themselves traveling when hunger threatens them.

2. Family 

This is the second main cause of the bird’s migration. They have different migration patterns, timing, and destinations to disperse around the world for breeding. The different suitable conditions help them easily raise their young, increasing the chances of healthy, viable offspring. Every species has its own best breeding conditions, including specific food sources, habitat, and breeding colonies. Many birds also migrate to prepare their young for long migrations in his life.

3. Climate 

The different types of climate and the changes in the climate can also affect the bird’s migration. Many bird species leave their arctic grounds when the temperature begins to dip. They need more temperate habitat to survive the brutal cold. Similarly, the hottest environment is also very harsh for their chicks.

4. Predators 

Birds like to migrate to the areas where the food sources are available year-round. But it also attracts a greater number of predators who can destroy their nests. Birds that migrate in the different areas also want to minimize this threat. They need to give a better chance to their young to reach maturity. Many bird species prefer specialized habitats that are inaccessible to predators, which include the coastal cliffs or rocky offshore islands.

5. Disease 

The larger group of birds living in the same habitat can be susceptible to parasites and diseases, which can decimate the number of birds in no time. So usually, birds disperse to different locations to minimize the chances of spreading disease to the entire population.


In the end, we can conclude that birds mostly migrate for their survival. Not only for their survival also for the survival of their chicks as well. The main goals of their migration include finding richer food sources, seeking safer habitats, and avoiding predators. A good and successful migration is responsible for the birds to enjoy another year’s migration.

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