The 5 Best feeders for Orioles 2022 Reviewed by BirdFeederist

The 5 Best feeders for Orioles 2022 Reviewed by BirdFeederist

Oriole is a beautiful species of bird in the United States. Many people love to attract these birds to their gardens to increase the beauty of the garden. There are nine different species of orioles present in the United States, but only five are common. The most common Orioles species are Baltimore Orioles, Orchard Orioles,…

The 5 Best Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders 2022 Reviewed by BirdFeederist

The 5 Best Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders 2022 Reviewed by BirdFeederist

So you need the best bird feeders to keep squirrels out. Bird feeders are special devices that are used to supply food to the birds. But they can attract other unwanted audiences like squirrels. The success of the bird feeders is mainly dependent upon the number of birds attracted to the feeder. If very few…

The 5 Best Bird Feeders for Blue Jays 2022 Reviewed By BirdFeederist

The 5 Best Bird Feeders for Blue Jays 2022 Reviewed By BirdFeederist

Blue Jays prefer peanuts and sunflower seeds instead of regular bird feed, but conventional feeders aren’t a suitable choice for luring them into your yard. The easiest way to attract Blue jays is to use customized feeders with enough room for them to rest and peck out peanuts. The usual hanging feeders aren’t well-designed, causing…

The 13 Best Hummingbird Feeders 2022 By BirdFeederist

The 13 Best Hummingbird Feeders 2022 By BirdFeederist

Hummingbirds prefer sweet nectar over seeds and solid foods, so the conventional seed feeders aren’t useful in attracting these beautiful birds. Homemade nectar of sweet granulated sugar is the most viable option to consider. As Hummingbirds are blatantly attracted to bright colors like red and yellow, most specially designed hummingbird feeders are brightly colored and…